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Tuesday, 13 May 2014
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Blogs about Ramsgate Margate and Broadstairs
Eastcliff Richard posts
Richard Eastcliff commented on blog post: “
Richard Eastcliff commented on beau diddley: “Cripes! Look what's just plopped into my box! A letter from Dr Beau Webber, Roger Gale's Manston mouthpiece, to the new majority owners of the former airport! Dr Beau is, er, far from congratulatory. In fact, if you ask me, his tone is slightly menacing. But that's just what you'd expect from a campaign that hasn't exactly held back from using personal threats by its henchmen against anyone who dares to utter an alternative view. Anyhoo, take a gander and make up your own mind (click on the…”
Richard Eastcliff commented on downed for pound: “ Or perhaps quite a few more pounds now, as the breaking news is that Annie Get Your Gloags has offloaded her 700 acres of prime development land at Manston, which she bought for a quid last year, to the people behind Discovery Park, the former Pfizer site. BBC News reports: Trevor Cartner and Chris Musgrave, who are part of the consortium behind Discovery Park, Sandwich, have bought a majority stake for an undisclosed fee. The partnership plans a 20-year, £1bn redevelopment of Manston,…”
Richard Eastcliff commented on beau diddley: “Cripes! Look what's just plopped into my box! A letter from Dr Beau Webber, Roger Gale's Manston mouthpiece, to the new majority owners of the former airport! Dr Beau is, er, far from congratulatory. In fact, if you ask me, his tone is slightly menacing. But that's just what you'd expect from a campaign that hasn't exactly held back from using personal threats by its henchmen against anyone who dares to utter an alternative view. Anyhoo, take a gander and make up your own mind (click on the…”
Richard Eastcliff commented on downed for pound: “ Or perhaps quite a few more pounds now, as the breaking news is that Annie Get Your Gloags has offloaded her 700 acres of prime development land at Manston, which she bought for a quid last year, to the people behind Discovery Park, the former Pfizer site. BBC News reports: Trevor Cartner and Chris Musgrave, who are part of the consortium behind Discovery Park, Sandwich, have bought a majority stake for an undisclosed fee. The partnership plans a 20-year, £1bn redevelopment of Manston,…”
Eastcliff Richard Comments
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “the news on Thor is worrying...”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Iris and TDC need to be investigated, there are leaks from her Council and Cabinet to SMA as seen on there website, the TDC officers and legal with investigations do not suppirt a CPO of the brownfield Manston site, KCC favour the mixed use development due to the vast benefits it will bring in school places, doctors places, jobs and homes, all needed, Westminster do not want it, it is unlawful to follow up on, sma are intimidating and bullying there way to force it and Riveroak have nothing new…”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Iris and Macgonigal must go - the latter supposedly acquitted in the TDC investigation despite being heard rigging the planning meeting. And Iris with nothing better to do than write about pensioner pop stars in the Gazette after the CPO and Cardy and Dreamland and Driver chase farce. Worse than Clive - with months to the election.”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Purple Om Andy ColThis blog is your natural home. Long may you wallow in it.”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “It looks like Michael's Pensioners Blog is getting a bit scared over TDC censorship of Driver and racism accusations of Cllr Moores with 100 emails conveniently deleted and post censorship. So much for free speech...Why doesn't the Gazette publish the "secret" document for Driver and we can all discuss it? Strange Judge Wardle censored the councillor but no the newspaper for the same documents?”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “If this is what the new owners of Manston can do why are TDC wasting money with Riveroak?????? http://www.planit-ie.com/22648/”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Yet more broken sewer pipes in the Gazette by Southern Water. Our crumbly council is crumbling. Why are we paying council tax?”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “I must just say that many Cllrs believe that a CPO on Manston airport will only cost £4m where did they get this info from? RiverOak's own valuer!!!! If any Cllrs are reading this please don't stick your head in the sand, do your own research its about 70x times that amount by TDC own admission the site is classed as a brownfield and even if there is public objection it will still be granted planning permission on appeal from the government as this sort of land is high on their priority…”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Save Our Ramsgate, say no to Riveroak, no to an airport, no to an indemnity partner, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, SAY NO TO CPO.Theres a better more prosperous future for Thanet, which does not involve aircraft or airfields.An announcement now, please TDC.”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “A giant statue of Macgonigal and Latchford and Bayford holding hands and trampling on the children of Kent?”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “10:40 you haven't explained what should be built. Surely not the SFPCardy Carbuncle”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “9.02, about time something was built, as atvthe moment its as painful on the eye, as your comment is to read.”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “6.37 good morning to you, there are always independents however they have no piwer due to limited number, so they align themselves with one group or another, so I will tell you what this tells me, the British government system may be the oldest in the world, but it needs a major ovehaul, a complete change and re design, perhaps something along the lines of an American or Belgium system or a new direction, will never happen though otherwise Oxbridge / Eaton monkies may not be given titles and…”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “What are The Duffers playing at with Pleasurama again.Its a year since Poole failed and now Everitt is trying it on.Everitt and Edwina must go.Breaking the locks and a sit-in may work.No Cardy or SFP!No hotel or flats!!Clear the site!!!”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “What are The Duffers playing at with Pleasurama again.Its a year since Poole failed and now Everitt is trying it on.Everitt and Edwina must go.Breaking the locks and a sit-in may work.No Cardy or SFP!No hotel or flats!!Clear the site!!!”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Iris and TDC need to be investigated, there are leaks from her Council and Cabinet to SMA as seen on there website, the TDC officers and legal with investigations do not suppirt a CPO of the brownfield Manston site, KCC favour the mixed use development due to the vast benefits it will bring in school places, doctors places, jobs and homes, all needed, Westminster do not want it, it is unlawful to follow up on, sma are intimidating and bullying there way to force it and Riveroak have nothing new…”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Iris and Macgonigal must go - the latter supposedly acquitted in the TDC investigation despite being heard rigging the planning meeting. And Iris with nothing better to do than write about pensioner pop stars in the Gazette after the CPO and Cardy and Dreamland and Driver chase farce. Worse than Clive - with months to the election.”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Purple Om Andy ColThis blog is your natural home. Long may you wallow in it.”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “It looks like Michael's Pensioners Blog is getting a bit scared over TDC censorship of Driver and racism accusations of Cllr Moores with 100 emails conveniently deleted and post censorship. So much for free speech...Why doesn't the Gazette publish the "secret" document for Driver and we can all discuss it? Strange Judge Wardle censored the councillor but no the newspaper for the same documents?”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “If this is what the new owners of Manston can do why are TDC wasting money with Riveroak?????? http://www.planit-ie.com/22648/”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Yet more broken sewer pipes in the Gazette by Southern Water. Our crumbly council is crumbling. Why are we paying council tax?”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “I must just say that many Cllrs believe that a CPO on Manston airport will only cost £4m where did they get this info from? RiverOak's own valuer!!!! If any Cllrs are reading this please don't stick your head in the sand, do your own research its about 70x times that amount by TDC own admission the site is classed as a brownfield and even if there is public objection it will still be granted planning permission on appeal from the government as this sort of land is high on their priority…”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “Save Our Ramsgate, say no to Riveroak, no to an airport, no to an indemnity partner, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, SAY NO TO CPO.Theres a better more prosperous future for Thanet, which does not involve aircraft or airfields.An announcement now, please TDC.”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “A giant statue of Macgonigal and Latchford and Bayford holding hands and trampling on the children of Kent?”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “10:40 you haven't explained what should be built. Surely not the SFPCardy Carbuncle”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “9.02, about time something was built, as atvthe moment its as painful on the eye, as your comment is to read.”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “6.37 good morning to you, there are always independents however they have no piwer due to limited number, so they align themselves with one group or another, so I will tell you what this tells me, the British government system may be the oldest in the world, but it needs a major ovehaul, a complete change and re design, perhaps something along the lines of an American or Belgium system or a new direction, will never happen though otherwise Oxbridge / Eaton monkies may not be given titles and…”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “What are The Duffers playing at with Pleasurama again.Its a year since Poole failed and now Everitt is trying it on.Everitt and Edwina must go.Breaking the locks and a sit-in may work.No Cardy or SFP!No hotel or flats!!Clear the site!!!”
Anonymous commented on beau diddley: “What are The Duffers playing at with Pleasurama again.Its a year since Poole failed and now Everitt is trying it on.Everitt and Edwina must go.Breaking the locks and a sit-in may work.No Cardy or SFP!No hotel or flats!!Clear the site!!!”
Tony Flaig commented on hello hows things: “ How's things as you might've noticed not a lot going on here but I chanced upon this web site which I've almost forgotten.However looking at my website stats from Google without any effort or input this site had been getting a steady trickle of visits 300 so far today and 1000 plus yesterday.I think the last time I posted Teresa May, was the great hope for the conservatives. Four Tory pms later should I revive this web site. Please let me know in the comments section.”
Tony Flaig commented on goodbye as chris wells answers his own: “ Thanet District Council posted a long-winded press release which is contained below describing the last occurrences for Chris Wells as leader of Thanet District Council. Apart from Chris Wells and a few of his cabinet colleagues I doubt there'll be many tears shed, Chris Wells and his co UKIP colleagues were elected in the main not only because of their right wing views but because they claimed that they would be strongly supporting the campaign to have Manston Airport reopened and not as…”
Tony Flaig commented on chris wells in last weeks gazette says: “ Chris Wells in last week's Gazette says “The numbers add up, we must build more homes on the site of the airport” (Manston). I myself don't share such unquestioning belief, in my opinion, I feel that figures can be deceptive I'm sure there are a few figures that Chris Wells would question, particularly those relating to the number of his fellow members of UKIP in Thanet who would be quite happy, were Chris Wells to do the thing they require him, to resign. Assuming that…”
Tony Flaig commented on goodbye as chris wells answers his own: “ Thanet District Council posted a long-winded press release which is contained below describing the last occurrences for Chris Wells as leader of Thanet District Council. Apart from Chris Wells and a few of his cabinet colleagues I doubt there'll be many tears shed, Chris Wells and his co UKIP colleagues were elected in the main not only because of their right wing views but because they claimed that they would be strongly supporting the campaign to have Manston Airport reopened and not as…”
Tony Flaig commented on chris wells in last weeks gazette says: “ Chris Wells in last week's Gazette says “The numbers add up, we must build more homes on the site of the airport” (Manston). I myself don't share such unquestioning belief, in my opinion, I feel that figures can be deceptive I'm sure there are a few figures that Chris Wells would question, particularly those relating to the number of his fellow members of UKIP in Thanet who would be quite happy, were Chris Wells to do the thing they require him, to resign. Assuming that…”
Anonymous commented on hello hows things: “No.. Please dont”
Anonymous commented on hello hows things: “This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.”
Anonymous commented on morrisons car park full already: “These are really wonderful ideas in about blogging.You have touched some fastidious things here. Any way keep up wrinting.”
Tony Flaig commented on goodbye as chris wells answers his own: “Clearly the only way the airport is going to be saved is by cooperating with RiverOak. Since they are the only ones in the game who take a traditional view of business which involves improving, modifying and developing the core business. Alternative so far has seen assets sold off, a plan to build houses to maximise the land value, leaving what would be a hideous lump of concrete ie the runway with no value but referred to as a heritage runway, to divert attention from the fact but it's…”
Anonymous commented on goodbye as chris wells answers his own: “So who now Tony? Another UKIP member or a Tory? Maybe first we should hear how they are going to save the airport.”
Anonymous commented on chris wells in last weeks gazette says: “Its time to abolish Thanet District Council and all the other district councils in Kent together with Kent County Council and set up a unitary system in Kent.”
Tony Flaig commented on chris wells in last weeks gazette says: “According to Chris Wells there is no chance of any reduction in housing numbers without the say so of the planning inspector this to me implies that the numbers of houses required for Thanet in the future is not actually set in stone so therefore perhaps Mr Wells could sit himself in front of the planning inspector at some point and maybe suggest that we have sufficient housing provision already and given the location it is unlikely that there will be sufficient demand anytime soon.Clearly a…”
Anonymous commented on chris wells in last weeks gazette says: “I thought that it has been reported that the local plan sets out where 17,140 houses can be built by 2031. And 9000 have already been built or have planning permision. So if 2,500 dont get built at Manston where are TDC going to allow them to be built? Plus another 3000 or so that the government will impose. Rather more than 3000 extra cars coming Thanets way plus all that extra freight and fuel deliveries if the cargo airport goes ahead.”
Anonymous commented on hello hows things: “This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.”
Anonymous commented on morrisons car park full already: “These are really wonderful ideas in about blogging.You have touched some fastidious things here. Any way keep up wrinting.”
Tony Flaig commented on goodbye as chris wells answers his own: “Clearly the only way the airport is going to be saved is by cooperating with RiverOak. Since they are the only ones in the game who take a traditional view of business which involves improving, modifying and developing the core business. Alternative so far has seen assets sold off, a plan to build houses to maximise the land value, leaving what would be a hideous lump of concrete ie the runway with no value but referred to as a heritage runway, to divert attention from the fact but it's…”
Anonymous commented on goodbye as chris wells answers his own: “So who now Tony? Another UKIP member or a Tory? Maybe first we should hear how they are going to save the airport.”
Anonymous commented on chris wells in last weeks gazette says: “Its time to abolish Thanet District Council and all the other district councils in Kent together with Kent County Council and set up a unitary system in Kent.”
Tony Flaig commented on chris wells in last weeks gazette says: “According to Chris Wells there is no chance of any reduction in housing numbers without the say so of the planning inspector this to me implies that the numbers of houses required for Thanet in the future is not actually set in stone so therefore perhaps Mr Wells could sit himself in front of the planning inspector at some point and maybe suggest that we have sufficient housing provision already and given the location it is unlikely that there will be sufficient demand anytime soon.Clearly a…”
Anonymous commented on chris wells in last weeks gazette says: “I thought that it has been reported that the local plan sets out where 17,140 houses can be built by 2031. And 9000 have already been built or have planning permision. So if 2,500 dont get built at Manston where are TDC going to allow them to be built? Plus another 3000 or so that the government will impose. Rather more than 3000 extra cars coming Thanets way plus all that extra freight and fuel deliveries if the cargo airport goes ahead.”
thanetonline posts
Michael Child commented on some old pictures of ramsgate margate: “ Starting with the 1791 print of Ramsgate from the newly completed harbour, as a much inferior copy formed the frontispiece of Richardson's Fragments of History there are a lot of copies on the internet. This is a good copy of my 1791 original that should expand well with a bit of compulsive clicking. Next an undated aerial view of Broadstairs.Next Margate Harbour in 1857I have various interests which include painting and drawing, photography and technology. In the last couple…”
Michael Child commented on an interesting old ramsgate picture bit: “ Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case anyone can get better resolution out of it.Starting with this picture taken from inside the old station that closed in the 1920s and was situated on Ramsgate seafront where The Royal Sands development is now. I have seen it called "Ramsgate Harbour Station" and "Ramsgate Sands Station" Does anyone know which is right?The S R Port on the side of…”
Michael Child commented on click to expand historic thanet: “ So starting with some archive photos of Ramsgate shops.Of course back in the day Ramsgate was full of, "are you being served" shops, a situation based mostly on shop staff being paid poverty wages and real estate values being relatively low. Although Michaels Bookshop where I work in Ramsgate is a secondhand bookshop we do sell new Thanet local history books and maps. That is both the ones we publish and ones published by other people. Mainly though this is a secondhand bookshop and…”
Michael Child commented on an interesting old ramsgate picture bit: “ Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case anyone can get better resolution out of it.Starting with this picture taken from inside the old station that closed in the 1920s and was situated on Ramsgate seafront where The Royal Sands development is now. I have seen it called "Ramsgate Harbour Station" and "Ramsgate Sands Station" Does anyone know which is right?The S R Port on the side of…”
Michael Child commented on click to expand historic thanet: “ So starting with some archive photos of Ramsgate shops.Of course back in the day Ramsgate was full of, "are you being served" shops, a situation based mostly on shop staff being paid poverty wages and real estate values being relatively low. Although Michaels Bookshop where I work in Ramsgate is a secondhand bookshop we do sell new Thanet local history books and maps. That is both the ones we publish and ones published by other people. Mainly though this is a secondhand bookshop and…”
thanetonline comment
Alex Rozen commented on a few old pictures of ramsgate harbour: “wow”
Tracey commented on bradstow school and bertram mills girls: “Hi did you know a Kathleen Andrews? ”
Tracey commented on bradstow school and bertram mills girls: “Good evening I'm trying to find pictures of my mother who attended Bradshaw school at the time you were there her name was Kathleen Andrews and had mention a miss wood , any one here know my mum ? ”
John commented on st marys convalescent home broadstairs: “Hi Pat - saw your comment and have “memories” of St Mary’s . I was about 4 years old in 1953 (missed the Coronation) and remembered the chalk stairs (slimey and wet ) down to the beach. Had a bed/ cot in the middle of a VERY large long room / hall. Not good memories. I was aware that I wore other children’s cloths. There was a nurse Betty who I remember seemed to look after me. I spent a year there before going home to Brockley south london.”
P. Marvell commented on click to expand historic thanet: “Thank you for this years posts, always topical. Have a wonderful Christmas & above all a prosperous New Year despite the Chancellor.”
Aquamarina commented on st pauls church king street ramsgate: “Hi, did the actual St John's Ambulance building in Sussex Street have a connection with St Paul's Church, and what was it please? Is it a listed building?Thanks for helping 😃”
LucyAnn commented on pedigree of family of curlinge curlying: “Hello Marguerite de Sevigne - it's a long time since you posted your message. Did I ever reply? I don't think so, for which apologies. There were lots of Henry Curlings. Do you still have the indenture? What can you tell me about it. If you'd like me to have a look at it you could send me some high res photos.”
UKChileHead commented on click to expand broadstairs ramsgate: “Even with the bad weather, Fred still had a good time!”
Tracey commented on bradstow school and bertram mills girls: “Hi did you know a Kathleen Andrews? ”
Tracey commented on bradstow school and bertram mills girls: “Good evening I'm trying to find pictures of my mother who attended Bradshaw school at the time you were there her name was Kathleen Andrews and had mention a miss wood , any one here know my mum ? ”
John commented on st marys convalescent home broadstairs: “Hi Pat - saw your comment and have “memories” of St Mary’s . I was about 4 years old in 1953 (missed the Coronation) and remembered the chalk stairs (slimey and wet ) down to the beach. Had a bed/ cot in the middle of a VERY large long room / hall. Not good memories. I was aware that I wore other children’s cloths. There was a nurse Betty who I remember seemed to look after me. I spent a year there before going home to Brockley south london.”
P. Marvell commented on click to expand historic thanet: “Thank you for this years posts, always topical. Have a wonderful Christmas & above all a prosperous New Year despite the Chancellor.”
Aquamarina commented on st pauls church king street ramsgate: “Hi, did the actual St John's Ambulance building in Sussex Street have a connection with St Paul's Church, and what was it please? Is it a listed building?Thanks for helping 😃”
LucyAnn commented on pedigree of family of curlinge curlying: “Hello Marguerite de Sevigne - it's a long time since you posted your message. Did I ever reply? I don't think so, for which apologies. There were lots of Henry Curlings. Do you still have the indenture? What can you tell me about it. If you'd like me to have a look at it you could send me some high res photos.”
UKChileHead commented on click to expand broadstairs ramsgate: “Even with the bad weather, Fred still had a good time!”
Thanet Press Releases posts
Michael Child commented on a herd of reindeer come to ramsgate for: “
Saturday 15 November, 10am - 5pm
Makers all over Thanet are getting well and truly into the Christmas spirit. This month’s Handmade Fair in Ramsgate promises a brilliant selection of crafty gifts, so it’s the place to be to find a perfect and affordable selection of presents – and all from local makers and artists!
One of Ramsgate’s busiest crafters is surely Lindy Tweddell. She runs a weekly Craft Club after school at Christchurch Primary School on London Road. It’s so popular that…”
Michael Child commented on news events and shows: “ At our AGM last week, we're delighted that 6 Members were elected as new Trustees of Ramsgate Arts. We'll be having a creative planning session before Christmas for 2015 and beyond. Some of you will have seen the burning of our Viking boat on the beach on Sunday 2 November, at Winternights. There was an hour of clear sky just in time for a procession and the bonfire, postponed from the Squall bank holiday Monday. We were sorry to burn such a lot of work, but it was a very successful…”
Michael Child commented on voices 1914 1918 raises 50000 five: “£500.00 (five hundred pounds) was raised at WW1 Centenary event, Voices 1914-1918, on Saturday 8th November at the historic Sailors Church, Ramsgate harbour. The church was packed and all seemed to enjoy the poignant combination of live cello and WW1 poetry readings. Jayne Evelyn, the event's producer, would like to thank everyone who participated: members of the audience for their attendance, rapt attention and generous donations; local artist Michael Blaker for excellent…”
Michael Child commented on cabinet to discuss proposal on royal: “ Cabinet will consider outline details of a proposal that would potentially enable the Royal Sands development on Ramsgate seafront to move forward at a meeting next week (Thursday 16 October). Thanet District Council has been in negotiations with Cardy Construction Ltd who have indicated that they are willing in principle to buy out existing development partner SFP Ventures UK Ltd. The council served a breach notice on SFP earlier this year over non-completion of the works to build 107…”
Michael Child commented on news events and shows: “ At our AGM last week, we're delighted that 6 Members were elected as new Trustees of Ramsgate Arts. We'll be having a creative planning session before Christmas for 2015 and beyond. Some of you will have seen the burning of our Viking boat on the beach on Sunday 2 November, at Winternights. There was an hour of clear sky just in time for a procession and the bonfire, postponed from the Squall bank holiday Monday. We were sorry to burn such a lot of work, but it was a very successful…”
Michael Child commented on voices 1914 1918 raises 50000 five: “£500.00 (five hundred pounds) was raised at WW1 Centenary event, Voices 1914-1918, on Saturday 8th November at the historic Sailors Church, Ramsgate harbour. The church was packed and all seemed to enjoy the poignant combination of live cello and WW1 poetry readings. Jayne Evelyn, the event's producer, would like to thank everyone who participated: members of the audience for their attendance, rapt attention and generous donations; local artist Michael Blaker for excellent…”
Michael Child commented on cabinet to discuss proposal on royal: “ Cabinet will consider outline details of a proposal that would potentially enable the Royal Sands development on Ramsgate seafront to move forward at a meeting next week (Thursday 16 October). Thanet District Council has been in negotiations with Cardy Construction Ltd who have indicated that they are willing in principle to buy out existing development partner SFP Ventures UK Ltd. The council served a breach notice on SFP earlier this year over non-completion of the works to build 107…”
Thanet Press Releases comments
Anonymous commented on cllr chris wells: “Thanet tories calling others "Right wing" ? Started my day with a smile.”
Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington commented on cllr chris wells: “Sadly we see elected representatives changing their allegiance without putting it to the electorate. Councillors Worrow. J. and Driver. I. are a case in point. How can they put my point of view if they change from, in Worrow's case, from Conservative to Independent, to Labour, without a mandate to do so? I voted for Worrow. J. as a conservative. A totally wasted vote. A bit like A. Gloag and Manston, lasted less than six months. I wanted him to vote for the Conservative position, he…”
Anonymous commented on historic moment for dreamland as: “So how much did this CPO cost Thanet Council?”
Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington commented on art in august st augustines ramsgate: “It was most strange to be told when in Killarney that Pugin designed the cathedral there. Unfortunately I didn't have time to visit, but it might have been possible to guess who designed it.”
Kandy Jones commented on thanet district council officer is: “well done Mr.V :-) i tip me 'At to ya! :-)”
Anonymous commented on thanet district council officer is: “Congratulations Paul, a very well deserved award. We at RTT are enormously grateful to you for enabling the way forward in the transformation of the Augusta Steps into the Ramsgate Rainbow Steps. We look forward to working with you on future projects too.”
Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington commented on cllr chris wells: “Sadly we see elected representatives changing their allegiance without putting it to the electorate. Councillors Worrow. J. and Driver. I. are a case in point. How can they put my point of view if they change from, in Worrow's case, from Conservative to Independent, to Labour, without a mandate to do so? I voted for Worrow. J. as a conservative. A totally wasted vote. A bit like A. Gloag and Manston, lasted less than six months. I wanted him to vote for the Conservative position, he…”
Anonymous commented on historic moment for dreamland as: “So how much did this CPO cost Thanet Council?”
Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington commented on art in august st augustines ramsgate: “It was most strange to be told when in Killarney that Pugin designed the cathedral there. Unfortunately I didn't have time to visit, but it might have been possible to guess who designed it.”
Kandy Jones commented on thanet district council officer is: “well done Mr.V :-) i tip me 'At to ya! :-)”
Anonymous commented on thanet district council officer is: “Congratulations Paul, a very well deserved award. We at RTT are enormously grateful to you for enabling the way forward in the transformation of the Augusta Steps into the Ramsgate Rainbow Steps. We look forward to working with you on future projects too.”
Drivers Thanet Posts
Ian Driver commented on re direction i have moved my blog here: “
Ian Driver commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “ Documents published on the Companies House website reveal that Charles Whitbread of the Whitbread brewing family, and the current High Sherriff of Bedfordshire (http://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/council/high-sheriff/charles-whitbread.aspx), loaned £500,000 to a company called Southeast Retail Limited in March 2016. Southeast Retail owns the Sands Hotel in Margate and one of its directors and part-owners is Nick Connington who is also a director of Sands…”
Ian Driver commented on thanets child poverty shame: “ Former Thanet Councillor and Citizens Advice Manager, Ian Driver, described as “deplorable and shameful” news that Thanet has the highest rate of child poverty in south east England. According to a report produced yesterday (8 November) by the Campaign to End Child Poverty (an organisation made up of more 100 children’s charities, child welfare organisations, faith groups and trade unions ), over one third (34.4%) of children in Thanet are living in poverty.…”
Ian Driver commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “ Documents published on the Companies House website reveal that Charles Whitbread of the Whitbread brewing family, and the current High Sherriff of Bedfordshire (http://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/council/high-sheriff/charles-whitbread.aspx), loaned £500,000 to a company called Southeast Retail Limited in March 2016. Southeast Retail owns the Sands Hotel in Margate and one of its directors and part-owners is Nick Connington who is also a director of Sands…”
Ian Driver commented on thanets child poverty shame: “ Former Thanet Councillor and Citizens Advice Manager, Ian Driver, described as “deplorable and shameful” news that Thanet has the highest rate of child poverty in south east England. According to a report produced yesterday (8 November) by the Campaign to End Child Poverty (an organisation made up of more 100 children’s charities, child welfare organisations, faith groups and trade unions ), over one third (34.4%) of children in Thanet are living in poverty.…”
Drivers Thanet Comments
Anonymous commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “ Why should Wells resign?”
Anonymous commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “Wells should resign”
Anonymous commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “Difference here anon 16.04 is that TDC has not invested £20 millions of tax payers money in the companies you mention neither is the regeneration of Margate at risk as it is if Dreamland fails.”
Anonymous commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “So the questions are: who actually owns Dreamland and what ability does TDC have to influence it's future?”
Dominic Wallace commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “So who are you Anonymous that you have to hide your identity? Or is what you are saying inaccurate?”
Anonymous commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “Has Wells resigned yet? Why not?”
Anonymous commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “Wells should resign”
Anonymous commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “Difference here anon 16.04 is that TDC has not invested £20 millions of tax payers money in the companies you mention neither is the regeneration of Margate at risk as it is if Dreamland fails.”
Anonymous commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “So the questions are: who actually owns Dreamland and what ability does TDC have to influence it's future?”
Dominic Wallace commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “So who are you Anonymous that you have to hide your identity? Or is what you are saying inaccurate?”
Anonymous commented on high sherriffs posse to raid dreamland: “Has Wells resigned yet? Why not?”
Thanet Lab Posts
Thanet Lab commented on official figures show tory councils: “
Analysis of the latest Council Tax figures for 2014/15 shows that households in Labour-controlled council areas pay less Council Tax on average than households in Tory or Liberal Democrat-controlled council areas.
Where Labour controls the local council, households pay on average £334 less per year than those living in Tory areas and £300 less than those in Lib Dem areas.
This will come as an embarrassment to David Cameron who claimed that Tory councils run the best-value councils and…”
Thanet Lab commented on manston: “ Cllr Clive Hart - Labour TDC Leader UKIP county councillor and former TDC Deputy Leader Roger Latchford has falsely tried to blame TDC's position on night flights as the reason for Manston's current problems. At a public meeting at Winter Gardens on Saturday he also tried to blame the existing 106 agreement for the airports current situation. The fact is that the TDC position on night flying was the councils agreed view following public consultation and full and open debate in the…”
Thanet Lab commented on leaders report to council: “ Cllr Clive Hart - Report to council – 24/04/2014 “Thank you Chairman. We have a number of projects planned across Thanet, from re-planting of public gardens to the regeneration of empty properties and the creation of more affordable housing. Working together with the local communities we’re making real headway. Some of the projects: RAMSGATE HARBOUR £2million partnership bid is proposed to be made to the Heritage Lottery Fund this Autumn (2014). The bid will…”
Thanet Lab commented on manston: “ Cllr Clive Hart - Labour TDC Leader UKIP county councillor and former TDC Deputy Leader Roger Latchford has falsely tried to blame TDC's position on night flights as the reason for Manston's current problems. At a public meeting at Winter Gardens on Saturday he also tried to blame the existing 106 agreement for the airports current situation. The fact is that the TDC position on night flying was the councils agreed view following public consultation and full and open debate in the…”
Thanet Lab commented on leaders report to council: “ Cllr Clive Hart - Report to council – 24/04/2014 “Thank you Chairman. We have a number of projects planned across Thanet, from re-planting of public gardens to the regeneration of empty properties and the creation of more affordable housing. Working together with the local communities we’re making real headway. Some of the projects: RAMSGATE HARBOUR £2million partnership bid is proposed to be made to the Heritage Lottery Fund this Autumn (2014). The bid will…”
Thanet Lab Comments
Tony commented on staff pay and grading review at tdc: “But the senior staff are also assured they will not get a pay cut, unlike the staff on lower grades.”
Thanet Lab commented on thanet labour delivers on animal rights: “Peter, in recent months a cross-party working group was set up to establish a course of action and prior to TDC's suspension of the trade from the port of Ramsgate due to animal welfare concerns we have previously called on the UK Government to assist us in resolving these issues. Laura Sandys has been supportive of pushing for the banning of live animal exports, taking it to the European Commission and to Parliament, so it is fair this is recognised. However, this blog article was written…”
Anonymous commented on congratulations harbour steam: “Dear Cllr Hart. How about a mention for A Summer Squall in the main body of the blog? Although your response above is welcome it still leads to The conclusion that August Bank Holiday's events in Ramsgate were solely down to the Steam Trust. Surely the people behind A Summer Squall deserve some recognition from you and Thanet Labour for the hard work they put in to organise a superb weekend for Ramsgate; I can't help thinking that if this had happened in Margate this and other Thanet…”
Thanet Lab commented on congratulations harbour steam: “Thank you for posting, please see below to read Cllr Clive Hart's response to your comments (originally posted on the Ramsgate Arts Facebook page on Monday 3rd September):"Just a note on the Summer Squall.It certainly was brilliant and I have to say both the Squall and the Steam events complemented each other superbly. I'm sure that there were many who visited and enjoyed both.My comment on our website regarding the Steam Trust was simply meant as a thank you to them for repaying…”
Jessica Bush (Member of the Public) commented on congratulations harbour steam: “The Steam was great - but haven't you forgotten about a Summer Squall - 3 days of arts for everyone in Ramsgate - 70 shows - loads of fun from rock to opera to magicians and street theatre. Great to see local organisations like the Steam Museum and Ramsgate Arts working together to put on a spectacular weekend for local people. Me and my family had a wonderful day on Sunday and it was great to see Ramsgate buzzing.”
Anonymous commented on congratulations harbour steam: “One of our fantastic volunteers from A Summer Squall found this message...we're pretty surprised at you Cllr Hart. You've completely ignored the festival that went on for three days last weekend, A Summer Squall, which actually hosted the weekend, set up the infrastructure and encouraged the Maritime Museum to get involved. Thank you for ignoring the work that our group has done over the last year, voluntarily, to create an amazing weekend for Thanet. Thank you for ignoring the work of…”
Thanet Lab commented on thanet labour delivers on animal rights: “Peter, in recent months a cross-party working group was set up to establish a course of action and prior to TDC's suspension of the trade from the port of Ramsgate due to animal welfare concerns we have previously called on the UK Government to assist us in resolving these issues. Laura Sandys has been supportive of pushing for the banning of live animal exports, taking it to the European Commission and to Parliament, so it is fair this is recognised. However, this blog article was written…”
Anonymous commented on congratulations harbour steam: “Dear Cllr Hart. How about a mention for A Summer Squall in the main body of the blog? Although your response above is welcome it still leads to The conclusion that August Bank Holiday's events in Ramsgate were solely down to the Steam Trust. Surely the people behind A Summer Squall deserve some recognition from you and Thanet Labour for the hard work they put in to organise a superb weekend for Ramsgate; I can't help thinking that if this had happened in Margate this and other Thanet…”
Thanet Lab commented on congratulations harbour steam: “Thank you for posting, please see below to read Cllr Clive Hart's response to your comments (originally posted on the Ramsgate Arts Facebook page on Monday 3rd September):"Just a note on the Summer Squall.It certainly was brilliant and I have to say both the Squall and the Steam events complemented each other superbly. I'm sure that there were many who visited and enjoyed both.My comment on our website regarding the Steam Trust was simply meant as a thank you to them for repaying…”
Jessica Bush (Member of the Public) commented on congratulations harbour steam: “The Steam was great - but haven't you forgotten about a Summer Squall - 3 days of arts for everyone in Ramsgate - 70 shows - loads of fun from rock to opera to magicians and street theatre. Great to see local organisations like the Steam Museum and Ramsgate Arts working together to put on a spectacular weekend for local people. Me and my family had a wonderful day on Sunday and it was great to see Ramsgate buzzing.”
Anonymous commented on congratulations harbour steam: “One of our fantastic volunteers from A Summer Squall found this message...we're pretty surprised at you Cllr Hart. You've completely ignored the festival that went on for three days last weekend, A Summer Squall, which actually hosted the weekend, set up the infrastructure and encouraged the Maritime Museum to get involved. Thank you for ignoring the work that our group has done over the last year, voluntarily, to create an amazing weekend for Thanet. Thank you for ignoring the work of…”
Margate Architecture posts
Louise Oldfield commented on public meeting margates millions: “
Back in September 2019, the Government announced a list of 101 towns eligible to each bid up to £25m as part of the £3.6bn Towns Fund. Margate was one of the towns listed as eligible to bid for this money. I've previously written about the background to this funding here. In my piece, I pointed out that underlying research behind the scheme identified the areas of Dance Valley and Cliftonville West as the reason why the funds were targeted in our town.
On February 10th 2020, members…”
Louise Oldfield commented on community group reps send open letter: “On February 10th, representatives of Margate community groups sent an open letter to Thanet District Council regarding the process and implementation of the £25 million Margate Town Deal funding from central government. You can sign it here. Monday, February 10th, 2020 Dear Madeline Homer and Cllr. Rick Everitt, We were delighted to learn that Margate had been invited to bid for up to £25 million from the Towns Fund set up by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).…”
Louise Oldfield commented on research behind 25m towns fund for: “Back in September 2019 the Government announced a list of 101 towns eligible to each bid up to £25m as part of the £3.6bn Towns Fund. Margate was one of the towns listed as eligible. On November 1st, the Government published the Towns Fund Prospectus which laid out the details on the thinking and research behind the need for the fund and the process Lead Councils should follow to administer the £25m fund, set up a Town Deal Board, and develop Investment Plans to apply for the…”
Louise Oldfield commented on community group reps send open letter: “On February 10th, representatives of Margate community groups sent an open letter to Thanet District Council regarding the process and implementation of the £25 million Margate Town Deal funding from central government. You can sign it here. Monday, February 10th, 2020 Dear Madeline Homer and Cllr. Rick Everitt, We were delighted to learn that Margate had been invited to bid for up to £25 million from the Towns Fund set up by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).…”
Louise Oldfield commented on research behind 25m towns fund for: “Back in September 2019 the Government announced a list of 101 towns eligible to each bid up to £25m as part of the £3.6bn Towns Fund. Margate was one of the towns listed as eligible. On November 1st, the Government published the Towns Fund Prospectus which laid out the details on the thinking and research behind the need for the fund and the process Lead Councils should follow to administer the £25m fund, set up a Town Deal Board, and develop Investment Plans to apply for the…”
Margate Architecture comments
Margate Resident commented on why is andrews passage taking so long: “7 years later and it's still not reopened. KCC get your act together and reopen this important historical alleyway. It was there long before any of us.”
Margate Resident commented on groundwork project with marks and: “Where did all the money go for the two projects in Margate? Nothing got done, not even a tree. ”
Anonymous commented on the duff and phelps administrators_11: “Looks like the old school tie system at work here with funny hand shakes”
Anonymous commented on the duff and phelps administrators_11: “Looks like the old school tie system at work here with funny hand shakes”
Louise Oldfield commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “I think the vote was recorded. Labour Voted for and I believe 1 x Independent Group female councillor. Need to check.”
Don Wood commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “I was just about to ask who voted against the motion?? ”
jo commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “No words ”
Anonymous commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “An absolute disgrace.Shameful actions from our council.Well done WASPI for not condoning these actions.We must question the competency of our council and the fact that there is no young or ethnic minority representation for our community.”
Anonymous commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “Was it a recoded vote Louise, do you know how my Eastcliff councillors voted?”
Artiglio commented on dreamland lease assigned for charge: “Was there any consultation with TDC over this, if so surely TDC should have put up the 600k to ensure in the event of failure Dreamland stayed in the public domain. Or the administrator could have crowd funded locally easily. Does anyone know if there are any clawback clauses for monies provided for dreamland and if so do these rest with the leaseholder or TDC. The cynic in me sees this developing into another thanet fubar.”
Anonymous commented on stylish walpole bay cliff lift grade ii: “I wouldn't get too excited that big block of concrete wasn't going to go anywhere, It costs money to get rid of.Attention directed towards the Broadstairs Cliff lift would have been energy better spent.”
Solo Gays commented on the bbcs exclusive gva report on: “It would be good to see this lease”
Margate Resident commented on groundwork project with marks and: “Where did all the money go for the two projects in Margate? Nothing got done, not even a tree. ”
Anonymous commented on the duff and phelps administrators_11: “Looks like the old school tie system at work here with funny hand shakes”
Anonymous commented on the duff and phelps administrators_11: “Looks like the old school tie system at work here with funny hand shakes”
Louise Oldfield commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “I think the vote was recorded. Labour Voted for and I believe 1 x Independent Group female councillor. Need to check.”
Don Wood commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “I was just about to ask who voted against the motion?? ”
jo commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “No words ”
Anonymous commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “An absolute disgrace.Shameful actions from our council.Well done WASPI for not condoning these actions.We must question the competency of our council and the fact that there is no young or ethnic minority representation for our community.”
Anonymous commented on breaking thanet district council vote: “Was it a recoded vote Louise, do you know how my Eastcliff councillors voted?”
Artiglio commented on dreamland lease assigned for charge: “Was there any consultation with TDC over this, if so surely TDC should have put up the 600k to ensure in the event of failure Dreamland stayed in the public domain. Or the administrator could have crowd funded locally easily. Does anyone know if there are any clawback clauses for monies provided for dreamland and if so do these rest with the leaseholder or TDC. The cynic in me sees this developing into another thanet fubar.”
Anonymous commented on stylish walpole bay cliff lift grade ii: “I wouldn't get too excited that big block of concrete wasn't going to go anywhere, It costs money to get rid of.Attention directed towards the Broadstairs Cliff lift would have been energy better spent.”
Solo Gays commented on the bbcs exclusive gva report on: “It would be good to see this lease”
Thanet Coast Life posts
A J Ovenden commented on the invasion of perutz slide holders: “It is almost winter and the sea is bringing ashore more of the Perutz holders on the Thanet coastline. Like every winter the beaches of Margate , Ramsgate and Broadstairs are graced with these slide holders. On the Thanet and Sandwich coastal finds facebook page they do have a cult following among the local beachcombers as the trend is now to post slides holders with an image of where they were found within the holder. as it stands today, Margate is the hotspot for such finds. These are a few…”
A J Ovenden commented on exotic driftwoods: “On the Thanet coast where I live at certain times of the year in certain weather conditions there is an abundance of driftwood ashore. I do find it a strange phenomenon in as far as that in some cases the wood is of a tropical origin especially during the winter gale period. The origin is unclear but given the types of wood found I can only assume the origin has to be of a groyne or pier construction. Insofar as that some of the driftwoods found are Greenheart, Teak, Ekki and Iroko, woods…”
A J Ovenden commented on cetacean collection monkton nature: “Earlier on this year I made the decision to hand in my endangered species licence issued by Natural England. It was really down to the fact that I could not see the purpose of building up a private collection of cetacean specimen samples deriving from cetacean strandings along the Thanet coast. Only then to store my collection in boxes for me to see. So after making enquiries with the Monkton Nature Reserve they agreed to take my entire collection for their Museum. The collection includes bone…”
A J Ovenden commented on exotic driftwoods: “On the Thanet coast where I live at certain times of the year in certain weather conditions there is an abundance of driftwood ashore. I do find it a strange phenomenon in as far as that in some cases the wood is of a tropical origin especially during the winter gale period. The origin is unclear but given the types of wood found I can only assume the origin has to be of a groyne or pier construction. Insofar as that some of the driftwoods found are Greenheart, Teak, Ekki and Iroko, woods…”
A J Ovenden commented on cetacean collection monkton nature: “Earlier on this year I made the decision to hand in my endangered species licence issued by Natural England. It was really down to the fact that I could not see the purpose of building up a private collection of cetacean specimen samples deriving from cetacean strandings along the Thanet coast. Only then to store my collection in boxes for me to see. So after making enquiries with the Monkton Nature Reserve they agreed to take my entire collection for their Museum. The collection includes bone…”
Thanet coast life Comments
Anonymous commented on the mick twyman collection: “I do have some materials on Alfred Bones - you can contact me on info@prom-prom.com. ”
Owen Carpenter commented on the invasion of perutz slide holders: “I love seeing all these interesting finds along Thanet's coastline.”
Margate Resident commented on margate in 1930s in photographs: “The image above of the 1933-34 Clifton Schoolboys has nothing to do with Thanet of Cliftonville and should be removed from Thanet Coast Life. The image is of a Clifton Mill in Oxfordshire team.”
Zane Dyer commented on the invasion of perutz slide holders: “Thannk you for sharing this”
Jasmine Cain commented on margate shipwreck from 1877: “Lovely posst”
Margaux Arramon Tucoo commented on the mick twyman collection margate: “Awesome blog you have heree”
Owen Carpenter commented on the invasion of perutz slide holders: “I love seeing all these interesting finds along Thanet's coastline.”
Margate Resident commented on margate in 1930s in photographs: “The image above of the 1933-34 Clifton Schoolboys has nothing to do with Thanet of Cliftonville and should be removed from Thanet Coast Life. The image is of a Clifton Mill in Oxfordshire team.”
Zane Dyer commented on the invasion of perutz slide holders: “Thannk you for sharing this”
Jasmine Cain commented on margate shipwreck from 1877: “Lovely posst”
Margaux Arramon Tucoo commented on the mick twyman collection margate: “Awesome blog you have heree”
Inthanet Posts
Unknown commented on beginning of end or end of beginning: “
“Is your glass half full or is your glass half
empty?”, a common way of expressing how one views life,or in this case the
Pleasurama site in Ramsgate. Not before time has a useless bunch of chancers
been given the boot from this prime seafront location.
So do we see it as a disaster or an
opportunity? Those on the disaster front see the problems of flood plains, sea
defence and crumbling cliffs as insurmountable problems to development and want
the clock turned back to provide a flat sea…”
Unknown commented on 100 reward: “ £100 REWARD. A reward of £100 is offered for information leading to the conviction of any person involved in criminal damage to the Ramsgate promenade shelters. ”
Unknown commented on to boldly go where no truck has gone: “ Ramsgate’s “Secret Weapon” Unveiled! The latest edition of TUNNEL TIMES not only wishes everyone a Merry Christmas but also promises a very exciting New Year. The “secret weapon” in the form of an EPCV (Electric Pedestrian Controlled Vehicle) will boldly go where no vehicle has gone before, into the depths of the Ramsgate Tunnels system. Routing out dilapidations and fixing them, on its missions deep into this space, blazing a trail which many will follow in the future “Ramsgate…”
Unknown commented on 100 reward: “ £100 REWARD. A reward of £100 is offered for information leading to the conviction of any person involved in criminal damage to the Ramsgate promenade shelters. ”
Unknown commented on to boldly go where no truck has gone: “ Ramsgate’s “Secret Weapon” Unveiled! The latest edition of TUNNEL TIMES not only wishes everyone a Merry Christmas but also promises a very exciting New Year. The “secret weapon” in the form of an EPCV (Electric Pedestrian Controlled Vehicle) will boldly go where no vehicle has gone before, into the depths of the Ramsgate Tunnels system. Routing out dilapidations and fixing them, on its missions deep into this space, blazing a trail which many will follow in the future “Ramsgate…”
Inthanet comments
danish commented on backdoor planning: “Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! Thanks for informative post. tor hydra”
N.LONDONER - NOT STH OF THE RIVER commented on beginning of end or end of beginning: “Will have to employ a Purer (Victorian term for dog shit picker-upper) first; then open up Manston Airport; then get rid of the drunks and druggies; ban women (and men !) over 9 stone with tattoos; get rid of the Mayor; get rid of TDC and replace it with moneylaunderers ?BINGO - You have got Ramsgate back _ Now where is Margate”
Anonymous commented on beginning of end or end of beginning: “Whole heartedly agree with you on your view. The AJ Brown plan included a 'Tides' type swimming pool and arts space in their plan - coupled with boutique shops and homes above could e a real draw for the town. 'Ramsgate Strip' could become an attraction in my mind. Lets just hope we get a developer who actually intends to develop!”
Readit commented on 100 reward: “The Ramsgate Society is providing the reward, all additional contributions are welcome. You can confirm any contribution to the "contact us" page of The Ramsgate Society website.As a point of information to replace one sheet of glass costs approximately £80”
John Holyer commented on 100 reward: “Ken,I would like to add to the reward, who should I contact?”
Readit commented on to boldly go where no truck has gone: “Thanks Peter, and you.”
Readit commented on oh for progressive council: “Kandy, The problems with Pleasurama / SFP go far deeper than justre-possession of the lease. ”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on oh for progressive council: “How naive!”
N.LONDONER - NOT STH OF THE RIVER commented on beginning of end or end of beginning: “Will have to employ a Purer (Victorian term for dog shit picker-upper) first; then open up Manston Airport; then get rid of the drunks and druggies; ban women (and men !) over 9 stone with tattoos; get rid of the Mayor; get rid of TDC and replace it with moneylaunderers ?BINGO - You have got Ramsgate back _ Now where is Margate”
Anonymous commented on beginning of end or end of beginning: “Whole heartedly agree with you on your view. The AJ Brown plan included a 'Tides' type swimming pool and arts space in their plan - coupled with boutique shops and homes above could e a real draw for the town. 'Ramsgate Strip' could become an attraction in my mind. Lets just hope we get a developer who actually intends to develop!”
Readit commented on 100 reward: “The Ramsgate Society is providing the reward, all additional contributions are welcome. You can confirm any contribution to the "contact us" page of The Ramsgate Society website.As a point of information to replace one sheet of glass costs approximately £80”
John Holyer commented on 100 reward: “Ken,I would like to add to the reward, who should I contact?”
Readit commented on to boldly go where no truck has gone: “Thanks Peter, and you.”
Readit commented on oh for progressive council: “Kandy, The problems with Pleasurama / SFP go far deeper than justre-possession of the lease. ”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on oh for progressive council: “How naive!”
ville views posts
James Maskell commented on dreamland margate travellers moved on: “As…”
James Maskell commented on as local elections came im sure many: “As…”
James Maskell commented on margate parkrun join in fun: “…”
James Maskell commented on as local elections came im sure many: “As…”
James Maskell commented on margate parkrun join in fun: “…”
ville views comment
Don Wood commented on as local elections came im sure many: “James I to dislike UKIP but seeing as they are democratically elected to TDC I shall not voice anything about them as I feel me moaning will not help Thanet. I try and promote Thanet and attacking the council only causes people to question the whole area so I try as much as possible not to do it. Bee interesting though because if the fall I shall not offer a hand to help them back up. ”
James Maskell commented on as local elections came im sure many: “The Council Leader doesn't make the budgetary decisions in isolation. As we know, there's a lengthy process and Full Council get the final say.The South Thanet Conservatives posted a statement online alluding to this way back in October and I know Bayford spoke publicly about it in the Council Chamber. Even without the address, this would have been spotted, so it was never a secret.I haven't seen a TDC nomination paper in three years but don't you have to sign that you…”
Michael Child commented on as local elections came im sure many: “James while I can see where you are coming from I think the mitigating factor here is that when anyone puts themselves forward as council leader, then it is inevitable that there will be considerable public interest in their past.I really think the onus here is in Chris to give us a potted bio with an explanation about the bankruptcy.I guess the real issue here is that for most people all they have is his name and address from the list of persons nominated on the council’s website, and when you…”
Anonymous commented on as local elections came im sure many: “The Law may well be (strangely) inadequate here, Anon, but if it allows Wells to be a) a Councillor, and b) a Council Leader despite his bankruptcy status, the argument becomes a moral and ethical one.I think many would agree with you that there is an argument here.”
Anonymous commented on as local elections came im sure many: “Why is it that If you attempt to become a company director while your bankruptcy is undischarged, you will be breaking the law but its ok for you to be the leader of a council that is responsible for overseeing a budget of £15 millions of public money? The law is there to protect the public and include prohibiting bankrupts from being solicitors or estate agents. Maybe cllr Wells can explain to the public why he should be exempt from such safeguards and why we should trust him to do the right…”
Anonymous commented on as local elections came im sure many: “I suspect that like many Liberal Democrats, Matt Brown is feeling especially sore, but that shouldn't prompt him to make personal attacks on others. I presume that whatever lies behind Councillor Wells' financial troubles, he has done nothing illegal and nothing that makes him unfit to hold public office?I deplore UKIP's policies and the attitudes of many of their supporters. But they won Thanet fairly and quite overwhelmingly. They now need to be given the chance to demonstrate…”
James Maskell commented on margate parkrun join in fun: “Very kind of you, Peter. I keep track of what's going on but otherwise enjoying an extended break from politics.”
Anonymous commented on a real tragedy: “Anon, 23:59, not sure what I have done to excite such bile from you, but I think I know the reaction of many of my own family, friends and colleagues to Cameron's leadership at this time. Like I said, I do not know why Cllr Wiltshire has left the Conservative party, but the timing does not fit with the Ezekeil conviction.As to arrogance, well, are you not displaying yours by presuming to know what makes me tick and dismissing my views so, dare I say it, arrogantly. The one thing you did…”
James Maskell commented on as local elections came im sure many: “The Council Leader doesn't make the budgetary decisions in isolation. As we know, there's a lengthy process and Full Council get the final say.The South Thanet Conservatives posted a statement online alluding to this way back in October and I know Bayford spoke publicly about it in the Council Chamber. Even without the address, this would have been spotted, so it was never a secret.I haven't seen a TDC nomination paper in three years but don't you have to sign that you…”
Michael Child commented on as local elections came im sure many: “James while I can see where you are coming from I think the mitigating factor here is that when anyone puts themselves forward as council leader, then it is inevitable that there will be considerable public interest in their past.I really think the onus here is in Chris to give us a potted bio with an explanation about the bankruptcy.I guess the real issue here is that for most people all they have is his name and address from the list of persons nominated on the council’s website, and when you…”
Anonymous commented on as local elections came im sure many: “The Law may well be (strangely) inadequate here, Anon, but if it allows Wells to be a) a Councillor, and b) a Council Leader despite his bankruptcy status, the argument becomes a moral and ethical one.I think many would agree with you that there is an argument here.”
Anonymous commented on as local elections came im sure many: “Why is it that If you attempt to become a company director while your bankruptcy is undischarged, you will be breaking the law but its ok for you to be the leader of a council that is responsible for overseeing a budget of £15 millions of public money? The law is there to protect the public and include prohibiting bankrupts from being solicitors or estate agents. Maybe cllr Wells can explain to the public why he should be exempt from such safeguards and why we should trust him to do the right…”
Anonymous commented on as local elections came im sure many: “I suspect that like many Liberal Democrats, Matt Brown is feeling especially sore, but that shouldn't prompt him to make personal attacks on others. I presume that whatever lies behind Councillor Wells' financial troubles, he has done nothing illegal and nothing that makes him unfit to hold public office?I deplore UKIP's policies and the attitudes of many of their supporters. But they won Thanet fairly and quite overwhelmingly. They now need to be given the chance to demonstrate…”
James Maskell commented on margate parkrun join in fun: “Very kind of you, Peter. I keep track of what's going on but otherwise enjoying an extended break from politics.”
Anonymous commented on a real tragedy: “Anon, 23:59, not sure what I have done to excite such bile from you, but I think I know the reaction of many of my own family, friends and colleagues to Cameron's leadership at this time. Like I said, I do not know why Cllr Wiltshire has left the Conservative party, but the timing does not fit with the Ezekeil conviction.As to arrogance, well, are you not displaying yours by presuming to know what makes me tick and dismissing my views so, dare I say it, arrogantly. The one thing you did…”
Village Voice posts
Ken Gregory commented on ukip where have they gone: “
Last night I attended a meeting of the Boundary and Electoral Arrangements Working Party at TDC ... Everyone was there except for UKIP. (no apologies) .So the relevant question seems to be 'Where have the UKIP's Gone?' This seems to be a continuing theme at both TDC and KCC! You get what you vote for!!”
Village Voice comment
Ken Gregory commented on ukip where have they gone: “Just allowed that last post to let people know why comment moderation is ON...Anon 13:16 get over it and get a life!”
Anonymous commented on ukip where have they gone: “Shouldn't criticise them too much if I were you. They might be your next port of call if/when you decide to jump ship and turn coat again. Once a…always a …”
Anonymous commented on ukip where have they gone: “Shouldn't criticise them too much if I were you. They might be your next port of call if/when you decide to jump ship and turn coat again. Once a…always a …”
John Hamilton Posts
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on nimbys and whinesr loud but saying: “Has anyone noticed that all the loudest whiners in Thanet actually represent nobody? The usual half dozen suspects whine and whine, bullshit, lie, misrepresent and hope nobody will notice, whilst embarking on pointless campaigns for videos nobody will ever watch , producing audio nobody will listen to, all the while simply making TDC's work more difficult.Mending Thanet is oh so simple, throw driver out, ignore the nimbys and whiners, and lets make some progress at last!”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on hmmm i wonder who driver could be: “"But the truth is that the behaviour of some Councillors is even more appalling than this outspoken report portrays. I am personally aware of examples of some Councillors using their influence and connections to destroy the businesses and livelihoods of members of the public and other councillors with whom they have fallen out or disagree with"Oh yes, I knowThat would be when Driver singled out and mercilessly attacked GB PIzza company!Attacks them in the glare of publicity he sought,…”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on yet more irrelevant grandstanding harms: “Once again, media whore Driver engineers a non issue to get his name in the press, at the expense of Thanet residents. "I therefore decided to film the meeting secretly, but was discovered. I was asked to leave the meeting but refused. The Chairman closed the meeting and postponed it to another time" From his own blog, he cheerily recounts how he once again decided which rules shouldn't apply to him, flouted them, and caused the termination of a council meeting! Had there…”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on hmmm i wonder who driver could be: “"But the truth is that the behaviour of some Councillors is even more appalling than this outspoken report portrays. I am personally aware of examples of some Councillors using their influence and connections to destroy the businesses and livelihoods of members of the public and other councillors with whom they have fallen out or disagree with"Oh yes, I knowThat would be when Driver singled out and mercilessly attacked GB PIzza company!Attacks them in the glare of publicity he sought,…”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on yet more irrelevant grandstanding harms: “Once again, media whore Driver engineers a non issue to get his name in the press, at the expense of Thanet residents. "I therefore decided to film the meeting secretly, but was discovered. I was asked to leave the meeting but refused. The Chairman closed the meeting and postponed it to another time" From his own blog, he cheerily recounts how he once again decided which rules shouldn't apply to him, flouted them, and caused the termination of a council meeting! Had there…”
John Hamilton Comment
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on nimbys and whinesr loud but saying: “I'm sure your giggling is more maniacal than meaningful Rick.Once the whiners and nimbys and rightly put back in their box, then progress can finally be made, and that will indeed be a happy day for Thanet, as will the day when your finally sectioned.”
Anonymous commented on nimbys and whinesr loud but saying: “Mending Thanet is so simple John H ? Just ignore the nimbys and whiners. Followed by William's verification that Thanet folk have always ignored the nimby and whiner issues. Prompting me to ask if Thanet has, in fact, been following the JH formula all along why does Thanet now need "Mending" ?You are a laugh a minute JH.”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on nimbys and whinesr loud but saying: “Hi William,I really can't see anything to disagree with in your post.It really is the same 5 or 6 names whenever there is a danger of progress being made, that crawl from the woodwork to try to scupper any progress before it's made, just to further their own agenda or to massage their own egos.Driver is simply a media whore, desperately trying to generate a public image that will see him re-elected when he run's out of parties that will have him, James just wants to feel important,…”
Anonymous commented on nimbys and whinesr loud but saying: “It has always interested me around Thanet's blogs that the same dozen names crop up with monotonous regularity yet several of them claim to be the voice of the public, like the rest of us talk to nobody. As a councillor living in the ward I represent, I often get to chat to people when out and about and most have little or no concern about the council at all. If they do, it is usually something like dustbin problems, dog poo or vandalism. Funnily enough, despite the apparent public out…”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on driver caught bullshitting again: “Oh Turner, if you don;t have a grown up around to explain to you what Mendaciousness means, drop me a mail, and I'll explain, I don;t want to humiliate you any more than necessary ;)Bless im.”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on driver caught bullshitting again: “It would seem that the developer is happy to make his case in public, with facts and evidence referenced, and even case law on which to base his assertions. I think it will come to pass that the developer has the correct planning consent, and gullible morons such as the boy turner will be proved to have simply been bullshitting, which to be fair, has already been proven here and elsewhere.I don't know if you meant to post that twice bemused, but I ok'd the one with the latest timestamp,…”
Anonymous commented on nimbys and whinesr loud but saying: “Mending Thanet is so simple John H ? Just ignore the nimbys and whiners. Followed by William's verification that Thanet folk have always ignored the nimby and whiner issues. Prompting me to ask if Thanet has, in fact, been following the JH formula all along why does Thanet now need "Mending" ?You are a laugh a minute JH.”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on nimbys and whinesr loud but saying: “Hi William,I really can't see anything to disagree with in your post.It really is the same 5 or 6 names whenever there is a danger of progress being made, that crawl from the woodwork to try to scupper any progress before it's made, just to further their own agenda or to massage their own egos.Driver is simply a media whore, desperately trying to generate a public image that will see him re-elected when he run's out of parties that will have him, James just wants to feel important,…”
Anonymous commented on nimbys and whinesr loud but saying: “It has always interested me around Thanet's blogs that the same dozen names crop up with monotonous regularity yet several of them claim to be the voice of the public, like the rest of us talk to nobody. As a councillor living in the ward I represent, I often get to chat to people when out and about and most have little or no concern about the council at all. If they do, it is usually something like dustbin problems, dog poo or vandalism. Funnily enough, despite the apparent public out…”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on driver caught bullshitting again: “Oh Turner, if you don;t have a grown up around to explain to you what Mendaciousness means, drop me a mail, and I'll explain, I don;t want to humiliate you any more than necessary ;)Bless im.”
John Hamilton - talking sense and cutting through bullshit commented on driver caught bullshitting again: “It would seem that the developer is happy to make his case in public, with facts and evidence referenced, and even case law on which to base his assertions. I think it will come to pass that the developer has the correct planning consent, and gullible morons such as the boy turner will be proved to have simply been bullshitting, which to be fair, has already been proven here and elsewhere.I don't know if you meant to post that twice bemused, but I ok'd the one with the latest timestamp,…”
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